Test Drive This Amazing
"No Touch" Rechargeable
Headlamp... For FREE
If You Want!

Dear Hotlist Member:

When the power is shut off and darkness begins to creep in...

Incoming Storm

...it's only then that most guys realize just how important a reliable LIGHT source is.

I should know. As a young man, I once got stuck overnight in the woods. As the sun sank below the horizon — and the swampy Wisconsin wilderness faded to black — the sober realization that I didn't have a light source was frightening.

I hope you never have to go through that. Which is why, as a hotlist guy, I now want you to try out my new TRS Survival "No Touch" Headlamp...

For Free If
You Want!

This is an awesome headlamp. Lightweight and powerful, the unit recharges from a wall socket or a solar charger... turns on and off with a simple wave of your hand... flood light setting... red light setting... and a lot more.

I'll explain it all in just a second, including how you can test this out for nothing if you choose.

Hey, it's Jimbo over here at FightFast and TRS Survival.

For almost 35 years we've been working with U.S. Army long-range scouts... search and rescue experts... Alaskan Master Guides... and other experts who KNOW what it takes to stay alive and thrive...

Through the most hellish
survival situations imaginable!

Look... if you've ever had a storm knock out your power — even for just a couple hours — then you already know how miserable it is to be stuck in the dark — and how vital it is to have a bright light source that you can rely on.

Because groping around in pitch dark is more than just a hassle. It can be depressing, discouraging, even terrifying — especially in a crisis where...

Simple mistakes
can be deadly!

When the chips are down you want to be playing your best game.

And a good light source will help you do just that. Without it, something as simple as flipping on a circuit breaker can be downright dangerous.

Which is why TRS has developed the No-Touch headlamp. Makes life a lot easier — whether you're working under the hood or stuck on the side of a rainy dark road with a flat tire.

Here it is:

No Touch Head Lamp

Okay, it's actually a lot more sexy than it looks. Here's why.

- It's RECHARGEABLE. That's right... no batteries. That is huge because your standard alkaline batteries will deplete over time whether you're using them or not. They also leak. I mean how many times have you grabbed a flashlight only to discover the batteries were dead and leaking?

The TRS Headlamp on the hand can charge straight from a wall socket or out in the field from a solar unit. Holds its charge for a long time and can provide steady light for over 12 hours straight. That's a long time. Recharges quickly too. And the USB charging cord is included, so you got everything to use the unit straight out of the box.

- "No Touch" Switch.

No Touch Controls

This is cool. The No-Touch can turn on-and-off with a wave of your hand. No need to fumble around in the dark trying to find a button. The motion of your hand in front of the unit powers it on-and-off. Very handy, especially in pitch-black conditions.

- Steady On Switch: Bypasses the No-Touch option. Because sometimes you don't want to use the motion activated switch. Like when you're working under a sink or in close quarters. In that situation, you can just switch over to the "Steady On" mode for a stream of continuous bright light.

- Flood light setting. For when you need to throw a LOT of light on the subject. This setting provides you serious light when you need it. When you don't, there's also a low-light setting to save you power.

- Red light setting. This is perfect for when you need to keep yourself undercover. Let's you lay low yet still capable of reading a map or pitching a tent or getting stuff done without drawing attention to you or your camp.

- Convenient. It's a headlamp. Which means you've got both hands free to collect water, or build a shelter, or get a fire going, work on your truck, or just to dig through a toolbox. So small and light you can easily carry it around in your front pocket. Very handy. Very powerful too!

If you never used something like this before...

You're in for
a real treat!

I mean think about it. No more holding a flashlight in your mouth to get your hands free... no more screwing around with dead leaky batteries... and best of all is that you've now got the chance to test this out for FREE.

So here's the deal: To get your TRS No-Touch Headlamp right now, just click on the "Yes" button.

The price is just $17.99.

That is a wholesale price for my hotlist guys only. Plus -- I'm even including...


To get in on this deal now, just hit the "Yes" button.

Buy Now

But hold on... I keep saying that you and other hotlist guys can test this out for FREE if you wanted. And I mean that.

Here's how it works: Get this awesome headlamp into your hands. Go ahead and test it out. Camping, hunting, fishing, hiking... working on your car... in the shop... searching through a shed in your backyard... or a million other things.

Take your time because I'm going to let you...

Use and abuse it for a full YEAR!

The unit is very tough. Weatherproof, shockproof, practically bulletproof, it can take whatever punishment you can dish out. Recharge it... use it some more... recharge it again.

If at any time within the next 12 months, you don't absolutely LOVE this unit... if you don't find it to be the most reliable and convenient emergency light you own... in fact you're not 100% happy for any reason...

...then just email my office at support@trsdirect.com and demand a 100% refund of your entire purchase price, but...

KEEP the headlamp FREE,
just for your troubles!

So as you see, this really IS a free deal.

Buy Now

Who else does that? Seriously. Who allows you to try out an exciting new product... get all your purchase price back for any reason, even NO reason...

...and then lets you KEEP the product on top of all that?

You know who does that? Nobody, that's who. We're the ONLY company that sticks our neck out like this.

Because no other company trusts their best customers like we do. We've treated our hotlist guys — and I'm talking about you — better than everyone else on the planet.

And we've been doing it for almost 35 years now. Sounds counterintuitive but it turns out to be...

Just smart business!

You get wholesale pricing, killer deals, and lots of free stuff. We get tons of feedback that keeps us one step ahead of our competitors in a very tough cut-throat industry.

So hit the "Yes" button now.

Buy Now

However, there is one "catch".

You see, I've set aside just 200 units to be part of this special promotion. Once they're gone, that's it.

After that, you'll find this No-Touch headlamp on my main website at full retail and without the crazy guarantee that allows you to get all your money back and yet still KEEP the product for free.

Granted, 200 units isn't many to go around. Which is why — even if you're remotely interested — you should act right away.

Buy Now

You're taking no risk at all and that TRS No-Touch Headlamp is yours to keep no matter what you later decide.

So hit the "Yes" button now. I'll see you inside.

For a safe life...

P.S. This is wholesale pricing with free shipping to boot -- and you can keep it for FREE if you want.

P.P.S. Again, this is for hotlist guys only.

P.P.P.S. If you hit a "SOLD OUT" page sorry, the 200 units are gone and this offer has ended.

Send My
Headlamp Here:

TRS No-Touch Headlamp

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