Based on the classic Vietnam-Era Tomahawk...

Here's How YOU Can Get
In on this Amazing Buy 1 Get 1 FREE
TRS Combat
"hawk" Deal...

...Ships FREE!

(By clicking the "Yes!" button you will be charged an additional $69.99.)

Dear Hotlist Member:

I've got something here that other hotlist guys, like you, are now drooling over.

Perhaps you've seen Mel Gibson packing one of these in his movie "The Patriot". Or maybe you've heard about how crazed Vikings used it to...

Slaughter Their Enemies With Shocking Ease!

Or how -- after being so proven over the centuries as a vicious weapon and essential survival tool -- it's still being issued to our own U.S. Special Forces.

I am of course talking about... the Tomahawk.

Well... I'm proud to announce that TRS has just received into our warehouse...

Our Very Own Tomahawk!

It's designed after the classic U.S. military model -- one that's been helping keep our troops alive and well in the field since the Vietnam war.

And with your permission, I will now rush YOU one of these amazing hawks...

...For Free!

Plus, I'll even show you how to throw and stick your new hawk with total dead-eye precision.

This is so much fun. And it's actually easy to do, once you know a few key secrets -- which I'll tell you all about it in just a minute.

It's part of a generous package deal I've arranged for my best First Tier hotlist guys.

Nobody Else Can Get In On This!

Hi it's Jimbo over here at FightFast and TRS Survival.

For over 30 years now we've been on the cutting edge of self-defense and survival. Our simplified instructional material is for busy guys who don't want to mess around with some overpriced, overcrowded seminar... or spend years screwing around in some martial arts dojo.

No... we cut straight to the meat, giving you only what you need to know to possess ultra-badass skills for yourself -- quickly and without a lot of fuss.

Stuff like how to end a fight in a couple seconds against anyone, even if he's younger, stronger and big as an ox... how to throw and stick a knife with total accuracy...

...old world skills to track man or beast across any kind of terrain... how to navigate unknown wilderness like it was your own backyard...

...How to live off the land... How to find all the water you need, even in a desert... how to build a hidesite... how to create wicked trip-wire booby traps out almost nothing... and so much more.

And our gear is top quality and unique.

Like our world-famous bulletproof bug-out bag... the wicked, lethal, and virtually undetectable TRS Spike... our switchblade-style tactical folder, currently the fastest drawing pocket knife in the world... and a lot, lot moreā€¦

...including of course the "hawk" that I'm telling you about today.

If you're serious about your survival gear... or if you just want an extremely handy tool for hunting, camping, fishing and for countless tasks around the house, then just know this hawk will prove to be one of...

The Most Treasured And Valuable Items
In Your Own Little Private Arsenal!

Let's take a closer look.

First... the overall length of this awesome beast is 15-⅞ inches. That's short enough to carry comfortably on your belt or strapped to a go-bag... heck, even stashed away in your glove compartment.

But it's long enough to get the kind of extreme leverage that makes this such a powerful tool for chopping, prying and digging.

The head is almost exactly one-pound of high quality 3Cr13MoV steel. That means it's hefty enough to get the big jobs done.

It's also razor sharp and very easy to keep that way.

And because it's stainless, it won't rust. You'll especially like the heft and feel of this. I swear you'll suddenly feel like an...

Old School Mountain Man!

So cool.

The curved-shaped blade is designed specifically for hooking and grabbing. A lot of Tomahawks don't have this. But again, this design closely follows the original Vietnam Tomahawk design...

Developed For Soldiers And Marines For Use
In The Jungles Of Southeast Asia!

Which makes it handy for splitting and hooking firewood, or as a very nasty up-close and personal self-defense weapon.

The wicked fireman-style spike on the backend of this can blast through even the toughest hardpan ground, roots and all, or effectively bust through entryways or pry open car doors or shatter through thick ice.

The handle is constructed from extremely durable non-slip fiberglass reinforced nylon. This is a modern improvement on the original design.

Because unlike the old wood handle, reinforced nylon is more durable and weather-proof...

Impervious To Heat, Water And Chemicals!

Won't swell and split with moisture and humidity and can take a lot of punishment too.

Your hawk is the ultimate tool for chopping up wood... butchering large and small game... breaching doors for urban survival... close quarters combat... and even as...

An Extremely Brutal Throwing Weapon!

Because it's so perfectly balanced you can accurately throw and stick your hawk -- from 35 feet or more.

It may look difficult, but, in fact, it's not. Frankly, it's very easy.

Once you understand just 3 simple concepts -- which will take you less than 15 minutes to learn -- you'll look like you've been hanging out with Grizzly Adams all of your life...

Throwing And Sticking Your hawk
Like A Seasoned Expert!

It's all on the video package that I will include with your hawk. It's called "Precision Hawk Throwing".

Here's just a taste of what you'll learn.

  • First of all is the proper "handshake" style grip. It's nothing fancy, but it's not something you'd figure out on your own. This is the foundation to a smooth release and perfect rotation.
  • How to eliminate all variables down to just one -- which you can then use as a kind of adjustment tool to alter and precisely tweak how your hawk is sticking the target!
  • One simple trick that adds at least 35% more power to all your throws with very little effort. Seems like you're hardly doing anything at all -- until your hawk hits with that awesome 'whack'!
  • Why attempting to force the hawk to rotate mid-air will actually only screw up your throw. You'll discover the "quiet-method" that requires almost no strength, no complicated technique or wrist flicking or anything like that. This is so straight forward and simple that you'll be sticking it every single time within your first couple of minutes!
  • Exactly how far you should stand from your target. This will depend on your height and the length of your stride. But you'll discover how -- using easy to spot cues from the flight of your hawk -- to quickly to zero in on the sweet spot -- that perfect distance for ultimate target strikes!

This is the beginning. Once you've got a fairly consistent style nailed down, you can move around and adjust your throwing style for various distances!

  • Two different things you can do with your feet during the throw. Here's a hint: One is better for competition throwing... the other is more effective for self-defense and power-throwing!
  • The three ways your hawk can stick the target. Each one means something different. You'll discover a handful of simple and minor adjustments to quickly develop the perfect strike pattern.
  • Why a high-tip strike is where beginners should start. You'll discover the fast and easy way to make this happen!
  • How to double your throwing range. This is amazing, because within five to ten minutes you'll be sticking it from as far away as 30 or 40 feet! (This is where you really start getting some attention.)
  • You'll also learn how to throw two tomahawks, one from each hand, while moving forward. This will not only make you look like the ultimate bad-ass, but is also useful against a threat that needs some convincing, because this is a deadly serious move. You gotta see this one to believe it. And it's easy pull off, once you see how it's done.

And there's more. A lot more.

Like how to establish a precision pace count... the instant correction if you find that you're hitting your target handle-first... when you should and shouldn't try and hit your target flush... and a whole lot more.

Tomahawk throwing is a real skill that not a lot of people know. In fact...

Tomahawk Throwing Has Become A Lost Art!

But you'll have fun passing this down to your kids and grandkids. Tell them you learned it from Geronimo if you want.

The best part is that you don't have to be strong or skilled like a lumberjack or anything like that. In fact, if an old dude like me can do this, so can you.

And of course the hawk itself is an amazing tool all on it's own.

Super lightweight, easy to carry, sharp as sin and of course an extremely durable survival utensil -- road tested and proven from the jungles of the Mekong Delta all the to the burning Registan Desert in Afghanistan.

It's perfect for trimming up branches... chopping firewood... busting up hardpan in your garden... hacking open a hole for ice fishing... digging a fast hidesite... processing and butchering game... prying open doors... close-quarters combat... and so much more.

Any guy with an ounce of red blood flowing in his veins...

Would Be Crazy Not To Want This!

So here's what I've arranged for you.

Just hit the "Yes" button below right now and I will rush you:

  1. A brand new hawk. This is everything I just said it is and more... destined to become one of your most treasured and useful items in your go bag or around the house. There's a reason units like the U.S. Army Stryker Brigade treasure this. It's an amazing all around tool with a million and one uses.
  2. You'll receive that "Precision Hawk Throwing" video package. This is where you'll learn the art of throwing and sticking your new hawk with total accuracy. From 15 to 20 feet. From 30 to 40 feet. Charging forward like a banshee, throwing one hawk from each hand. The whole works. This astonishing instruction will open up a whole new world of fun and adventure for you.
  3. The price for this package is just $69.99.

    But hold on... you don't risk of penny of that since I am also giving you...

  4. A ONE YEAR money back guarantee. If you don't like your new hawk for any reason... if you don't consider this to be the most astonishing and useful item you own... if your buddies aren't shocked and laughing their heads off with amazement, wondering out-loud how you keep learning and receiving such cool stuff as you throw and stick this into a tree trunk from across a field...
  5. ...then I insist you send everything back for a full and prompt refund.

    Now I said I'd send you a hawk for free... and I meant it. And this is where things get really generous for you. Because I will also send you...

  6. A second hawk... for FREE! This is exactly the same as the first, the only difference is that this one is yours to KEEP -- my gift to you even if you later change your mind and return the rest of the package for a refund.

(By clicking the "Yes!" button you will be charged an additional $69.99.)

Okay, that probably sounds nuts, because it means anyone can learn all these amazing secrets, and then turn around and get all their money back, and still keep one of the coolest survival tools in the world.

So, yeah...

I'm Sticking My Neck Out On This One!

Some people, including my quivering accountant, swear I'm gonna get ripped off. They say I'm simply being too generous here.

But I disagree for a couple reasons.

  1. I'm making this deal available ONLY to a select group of hotlist guys. Nobody else is getting in on this. Only you and handful of others. I completely trust you.
  2. To protect the financial viability of this company, I am limiting this giveaway to just 500 free hawks.

That's not a lot to go around, especially since there are over 3,000 First Tier hotlist guys being told about this deal... right now!

Which means...

If You Wait... You'll Probably Miss Out!

So jump on this now. I expect these to be snapped up fast, so hit the Yes button below right away to get in on this amazing deal.

(By clicking the "Yes!" button you will be charged an additional $69.99.)

Oh... I almost forgot. This is important. You will also receive another FREE bonus. Actually two of them... one for each of the two hawks you'll receive.

It's a very tough and flexible nylon sheath to protect your tomahawks. Super-thick, non-rip, practically bullet-proof material with extremely durable stitching and steel rivets holding it all together. Total quality.

There's also a sturdy belt loop, so you can carry your hawk anywhere. The reliable snap-shut strap holds the hawk firmly in place, even if you're running or jumping up and down.

The shealth is easy on, easy off, and having this means you possess a safe way to carry and store your hawks.

These two sheaths will be included right along with your two hawks -- a valuable addition to this package that I am including at NO additional cost to you.

For a safe life...

FightFast/TRS Survival

P.S. Before I go, I just want to stress that as of this morning this deal is only open to my First Tier hotlist guys.

If you're not a hotlist member, like if your buddy forwarded you his email or something like that, then sorry... you can't get in on this!

There's no risk, I'm the one taking all the chances here. But there are only 500 of the free hawks to go around.

This offer could be gone as soon as tomorrow. So click on the "Yes" button now, while there's still free hawks available.

I'll see you inside.

(By clicking the "Yes!" button you will be charged an additional $69.99.)