Hold On...
(Do NOT close this hidden webpage... you will NEVER
find it again!)

I Want To Give You This
Wicked -- And Very LETHAL --
TRS Spike Weapon...

...For FREE

WARNING: This program contains tactics and techniques
proven to be LETHAL in actual combat.
If you are opposed to using deadly force
to protect the lives of yourself or your loved ones,

(By clicking the upgrade button you will be charged an additional $69.99.)

Dear Friend,

At just over 7-inches long this Spike is a composite of over 50% fiberglass reinforced with nylon making it unbelievably tough and durable.

The 3-inch tip is modeled after the much feared and respected World War I Triangle-Tip trench knife, a weapon that’s noted in history for its deadly effectiveness in the close quarters fighting.

This beauty can penetrate straight through a sheet of solid plywood so you can rest assured it will easily drive through anything your opponent is wearing -- even a thick leather jacket!

The deep grooves and a pronounced finger catch on the handle provides excellent grip...

...and the butt-side pommel is perfect for non-lethal blows that can quickly knock someone unconscious.

The TRS Spike comes with a tight-fitting elastic sheath that holds your weapon firm and yet still allows for a blazing fast draw.

And there’s a 4-foot length of para-cord so you can carry the spike around your neck or slung under either arm.

Allows you to quietly and clandestinely carry a weapon that can end any lethal threat in a matter of seconds. You may not look dangerous, and nobody has to know your actually armed to the teeth, but when crunch time hits, you’ll be glad you got this in your bag of dirty tricks.

And the best is that I’ll now send you this -- for FREE.

Why am I doing this? One reason – I have something very serious you need to hear:

How To Kill Anyone
With Your Bare Hands
In Two Seconds.

This is it -- the TOP level of Fight-Fast "quick learn" training.

It's also the most deadly... to be used for SURVIVAL ONLY.

But if you’ve got the guts to learn it -- then I’ve got the guts to let you see my mega-secret "Military Ops Killing" package on the dark art of how to kill quickly and quietly with your bare hands and improvised weapons...

if you want!

But DON'T close this webpage. You won't be able to get back here again. We're covering some very sensitive "instant death skills" that -- for obvious reasons -- I choose to keep hidden from the general public.

Here's what's happening: You've already signed up to receive some damn wicked fight material that will take you right to the edge with eye gouges, tissue destruction, even shattered limbs.

But unless you have endured the most savage training in the world...

... and put your ass on the line in real combat... and actually felt the life slip out of your opponent's body as you finish the fight, then...

You STILL have no clue about
REAL "balls-to-the-wall"
street fighting.

No "martial arts" dojo would dare reveal the kind of information I'm ready to let you in on. They either don't know it, or they're terrified of the liability.

And most fighters -- even experienced street fighters -- go weak in the knees when it comes to this kind of killing arts.

There are no holds in this... no submissions... no grappling... just instant death moves and other mega-vicious tactics and techniques known only by the most elite combat “spec-op” soldiers... until now.

I'm talking about filthy moves like cracking the skull in two pieces... gouging the eye sockets to the brain... severing the spinal cord... pulling out the carotid artery with a wine bottle corkscrew... and worse.

Single move techniques that kill in a blink..

This is as ugly as it gets.... all taught to you by top-dog covert spec-op combat experts and a host of other...

Experienced killers.

Twelve teachers in all -- part of an elite circle of the most feared and dangerous men on the planet, including:

  • A Black Ops specialists who moved around the globe, clandestinely "eliminating" undesirables for our government. (You'd never know he existed, but when "higher ups" wanted some dirty work done... well... let's just say he took out the trash very efficiently)...
  • Four U.S. Special Forces soldiers who endured bloody combat in Vietnam, Iraq, South America, and classified hotspots I don't dare mention... risking their lives for their buddies and every mother and son back here in the U.S...
  • A highly respected (and now reformed) Chicago ghetto gang "enforcer" who earned his way to the top by being better at deadly hand-to-hand combat than everyone else...
  • An ex-con "marked-for-death" and who USED his uniquely brutal skills to survive inside one of the country's most dangerous federal prisons.

For classified, legal, and privacy reasons I can't go into all their lethal credentials. Just know these guys aren't exactly saints.

But when your life depends on understanding some PROVEN deadly fight skills that will END it in one fatal flash... it's good to know you learned everything from fighters who've actually used this in mortal combat to come out ontop...

... instead of from some "store front" martial artist who may have never been in a real fight before in his life.

Our attorneys have advised us
that we need to strongly emphasize the brutal, vicious, some would say "barbaric" nature of
this information.

And as long as you warrant to us that you will guard this DVD package like a loaded gun (that's a close description of just how powerful these fighting moves are) – then everyone should be protected if a lawsuit ever arose.

As for your liability, you have to agree to use these moves ONLY when you're convinced that your life is in danger. You need to act as any other reasonable person in the same situation would act.


Good. Now that we got the legal stuff covered, let me ask you a question that really has only one answer:

If you're in a situation where you have to protect your life... or your wife, girlfriend, children, or perhaps even your mother...

Is There Anything
You Wouldn't Do?

I didn't think so.

That's what this package is about.

Because if YOU are the only thing standing between a coked-up armed thug who wants to "do things" to your wife...

... or confronted by some knife-wielding lunatic who climbs through your kid's bedroom window ...

... or surprised by a snapped ex-employee dressed in cammo and looking to mow-down everyone in the office...

... you'll be damn glad you know the devastating combat information that's revealed on this DVD set... absolutely THE most ruthless fighting technology ever invented.

This package runs thick with brutal, vicious, deadly moves and tactics like:

  • How to use just 3 to 5 pounds of pressure to kill a man. It's not "Ninja" style fighting — rather, it's American street. Nasty. Fast. Lots of blood and pain inflicted… and bullies instantly transformed into scared punks.
  • A stunning nerve-shattering strike -- simply known as "The Punch" -- that is the meat-and-potatoes of the best combat veterans around, (and LETHAL to your opponent.)
  • Filipino martial art "human pit bull" moves capable of overpowering ANY opponent you face on the street... especially when you find yourself up against someone who's just a better fighter than you are.
  • A notorious "Blink Or You'll Miss It" technique that starts by snapping your attacker's pinky finger, (a nasty distraction), and ends with an ugly skull-crusher heel-stomp to his face.
  • 5 amazingly versatile (but still stomach-churningly violent) moves proven in hardcore "do or die" hand-to-hand fights.
  • The 3 "natural" weapons on your body, that almost nobody knows about, but SO effective they can overcome even the most impossible odds you'll ever face in real life.
  • How to deliver an unstoppable, undefeatable, impervious attack, capable of delivering the most insane "instant death" fighting moves known to mankind.

And a lot more.

Like the "bronchial crush" move, PROVEN in real combat to drop big nasty goons in an instant... the 4 simple ways to demolish an opponent without ever clenching your fist... a simple "Death Grip" move that works so fast, it's just a blur, but will crumple any bad ass opponent into a bloody pile...

... and tons more.

This ain't "casual" fighting tactics. Nope. It's the real thing. It's lethal, and it's ugly. You will make a mess.

Plus... I've also included some advanced (but simple) weapons training, including:

  • How to viciously end a fight against someone holding a knife against you. Tricks that will disarm him instantly, and give you complete command over his very existence...
  • The ONLY 2 ways of holding a knife that actually work — because once blood starts flying, every other grip you've been shown will be too slippery to keep...
  • Simple "ambush" techniques that'll take out and eliminate (permanently) a crazed gunman...
  • Why practically every martial arts is completely WRONG about how it trains for an armed opponent (most of this "dojo stuff" will get you killed). Learn the simple, fast, and easy methods to winning in actual "real-world" armed combat (forget about the crap you've seen on TV)...
  • The easy "zig-zag", "button hook", and "crisscross" maneuvers that are extremely effective -- even against a "spray and pray" shooter with a fully automatic weapon. (Used in the field... where it counts.)...

And it goes on and on. Way too much stuff for me to cover here.

Look, you can go learn how to deal with weapons from someone who's never had a knife or gun pointed at them before if you like… but you'd be an idiot. These guys have looked down the barrel of someone ready to pull the trigger many times… and they're not dead yet.

The other guys… well, that's classified.

This "Military Ops Killing" package is pretty gnarly stuff... developed specifically for the worst situations you will ever find yourself in... the most shocking how-to-kill-with-your-bare-hands information you will ever see.

It gives you the INSTANT advantage you need no matter how big, how strong, or how well-trained your attacker is.

And since NO civilians has a clue these moves even exist, it's your SECRET WEAPON.

See it just once and you'll know exactly how to take out one, two, even three guys in under a second without breaking a sweat, and be on your way out before they hit the ground.


No joke, it's THAT lethal. Which is why I will only release this material to you only under FOUR strict conditions.

  1. You must be at least 18 years old. Really. If you're not at least old enough to join the military, then I don't want you seeing this.
  2. You'll keep this away from the wife and kids. There's no need for them to be exposed to this level of brutality. You're the man. It's your job to protect them.
  3. You agree not to show this material to anyone else. This exclusive opportunity is for you only. Not your friend, not your neighbor and not your training partner. I don't want this falling into the hands of creeps who could misuse it.
  4. You will use total caution. You cannot screw around with this and "practice" on people... or you will end up KILLING someone.

Yeah, it's that bad.

You will NOT see this offer through any other source – waay too hot. This special hidden webpage is the ONLY place. That's it.

Which means if you CLOSE THIS PAGE IT'S

With NO way
to get back here again.

So here's the deal:

I’m trusting you to handle this powerful “high risk” information with the respect it deserves.

Because we’re all taking a lot of risks here with ZERO plans to let anyone else know about the existence of this material.

Like I said, the material itself is unavailable anywhere else. Unless of course you care to join the military, wait 10 years for a shot at joining the Black Ops (they only take the best)...

... go through the worst year of your life surviving your training... and then go try your luck at international espionage, assassination, kill-everyone assaults against heavily armed opponents... and surrounding yourself with smugglers of drugs, body parts, weapons and the most dangerous men on earth.

No need for any of that.

This is over 5 hours of brutally easy “official” instant-death moves and reality based personal protection. Proven stuff, used currently by the highest “kill ratio” Special Forces soldiers anywhere.

Here's what you need to do now: Hit the "Add To Cart" button to add this "Military Ops Killing" package to your order now.

(By clicking the upgrade button you will be charged an additional $69.99.)

By clicking the button, you agree to the four conditions I've spelled out above (and you also release any and all liability and/or responsibility on the part of FightFast.com for any use of the materials contained in this, or any other instructional material obtained through their efforts).

But HOLD ON… if you order now... I will also include a very cool special section called “Finger Magic” that allows you to take quick control without killing.

These are instant command-and-obey tactics that require NO strength or special skills because it works on the principle that fingers are extremely delicate and vulnerable.

This allows a small, even tiny, person to inflict powerful pain-inducing moves capable of bringing a 6'5", 300-pound man to his knees CRYING LIKE A BABY the moment you "go to work" on him.

You'll discover:

  • The easy-to-learn secrets to quickly “splicing” his fingers apart for immediate blinding pain that’ll have him gladly taking orders from you.
  • How a simple “point” toward his wrist will instantly put him on his knees. A little more pressure and he’ll lay down on his stomach. He’ll literally be begging you for mercy.
  • A two-handed split of his fingers that will immediately end his willingness to cause problems. This is perfect for anyone stupid enough to grab your shirt.
  • A two-finger under-the-arm “come-along” trick that allows you to escort trouble-makers away from the scene. Cops and bouncers use this one when they want a punk’s attention without causing him permanent damage.
  • The “handshake” thumb grip that will suddenly make him docile… obedient… and more than willing to listen to reason.

And more. Lots of bend… rip… and tendon-tear finger tricks designed to put a small man instantly in control when you feel lethal force isn't necessary. Your choice.

You’ll be absolutely tickled when you see how easy this is – and how truly effective it works.

Best part...

I'll Include This "Finger Magic"

Consider it a gift for checking this out.

And don’t forget, you’re also getting that vicious TRS Spike at no additional cost to you. That’s right, I’m including it for free, as part of the Military Ops package.

Okay... this Military Ops Killing package is priceless, really... your rare chance see the world's most fiendish and lethal fight techniques. If I were to dare sell this package on the open market (which I won't) the price would be at least $699.

But that’s bull. I don’t want to gouge anyone on price. Therefore, because I’m calling the shots here, you can see this DVD package for just an additional $69.99.

But you don't risk a penny of that $69.99 because you have...

A lifetime guarantee.

Order it, watch it whenever it suits you, and if you decide for any reason that you want your money back... it scares you too much... or it's something you decide you can’t allow in your house...

... then send it back I'll refund your entire purchase price, no questions asked.

This generous lifetime money back guarantee allows you to...

See everything for FREE
if you want.

But I insist you KEEP the "Finger Magic" DVD package no matter what you later decide.

No risk, and a free gift to boot... it doesn't get much better than that.

(By clicking the upgrade button you will be charged an additional $69.99.)

But I would encourage you to do this right away.

I have been stopped before by “higher up” forces who don’t want you to ever see this kind of secret material. You never know what’s going to happen or how long material like this will be available.

I am taking a real chance just letting you know of its existence. If you have any interest at all, don’t delay. Acting now through this special webpage is the only way to ensure you'll get your personal copy.

I've been doing this for over 20 years... I know all these guys personally... I know the killing arts. This is the real thing.

So don’t close this window and lose out. You'll never get a shot at this again.


Bob Pierce

P.S.: WAIT... there something MORE.

When you order now, you'll also get a FREE DVD on "Improvised Weapons" that will blow your mind. It's yours to keep, too, no matter what, just for checking this stuff out.

You have NEVER seen improvised weapons like this before.

You'll know how to make weapons from almost NOTHING. Deadly stuff, too, that will give you an edge no matter where you end up, or what you have to fight against.

Discover how to use "non-weapons" as weapons — including umbrellas, pencils, watches, magazines, and even globs of dirt...

...the five most "innocent" looking weapons, (instantly makes you the "top dog" in any fight, no matter how many jumped you or surprised you)... and a lot more.

This "Improvised Weapons" DVD package will be included for free... but only if you order right away.

(By clicking the upgrade button you will be charged an additional $69.99.)

P.P.S: Let's do a quick recap. Hit the "Add To Cart" button now and you'll receive:

  1. The "Military Ops Killing" package. The most shocking how-to-kill-with-your-bare-hands information you will ever see.
  2. The TRS Spike. This nasty little weapon, based on the WWI close quarters trench knife, is included as a part of the Military Ops Killing Package -- at NO additional cost to you.
  3. A LIFETIME money back guarantee. If you don’t like what you see, return the "Military Ops Killing" package and get every penny of your $69.99 back. No hassles.
  4. The "Finger Magic" bonus DVD package. Agonizing bend, rip and tear finger secrets that allows you to get ANYONE, of any size, to suddenly obey your every command. This is yours to keep for FREE.
  5. The "Improvised Weapons" bonus DVD package. Killer info on how to create weapons instantly from everyday stuff you can find lying around. Very cool material that you won't find anywhere else... and it's also yours for FREE.

This package is worth $699... and is a steal at $69.99. You will NOT see this advertised anywhere else and this is last time you will ever get a shot at this.

Close this page and it's gone... and you'll probably kick yourself later for missing this. So even if you're only curious, you should order. There's NO risk and you get to keep all the bonus material for FREE.

(By clicking the upgrade button you will be charged an additional $69.99.)