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Become a “Gold-Level”
Hotlist Member


For... One Thin Dime!

Dear American Patriot:

Hey, it's Jimbo again. I need your help — in exchange for which you'll receive some rather amazing perks.

You see, I'm looking for 200 exclusive "Gold Level" hotlist members – and I'm asking YOU to become one of them.

This is a big deal – a limited offer available only through this hidden webpage — and only until the 200 slots are filled.

As an insider Gold Level Hotlist Member, you'll receive substantial benefits, including:

  1. Free Product Testing. As a trusted Gold Hotlist Member, you'll be invited to test out many of our new products for FREE. Gives us a chance to get some real feedback from an insider who knows what he's talking about. This feedback is your choice to provide. It's not required in any way.
  2. Wholesale Pricing. I sell full-priced products all over the world. But as a Gold-Level Hotlist Member, you'll receive wholesale pricing and steep discounts that nobody else gets. Nice to save big bucks on the products that you really want.
  3. "Skip-The-Line" order processing. Gold Members also receive preferred order processing. No matter how busy we are, your order will be treated with priority, making sure your order goes out as fast as humanly possible.
  4. Extended 5-year warranty. You'll also receive a whopping 5-year extended warranty on all your orders. Gives you a choice to replace a product or simply get your money refunded – for an added 5 years over the regular guarantee.
  5. Instant Access To FightFast/TRS video library. This is huge. You'll get immediate access to a collection of our most sought-after how-to videos. It's 55 hours of material that includes:

    • Self-defense moves. Hundreds of them designed to END a fight in seconds, even against larger, stronger opponents. Your instructors are some of the most feared and dangerous men in the world.
    • Fight-tested Green Berets... DELTA Force soldiers... Navy SEALS proven in actual bloody combat... long-range recon scouts who can live off the land like billygoats... search and rescue experts who can navigate hostile terrain... paramilitary contractors who track terrorists like bloodhounds and thrive inside some of the most screwed up combat zones on the planet, and a lot more.
    • This material goes well beyond any martial arts classes – a bonafide shortcut to protecting yourself and your loved ones in ways a martial arts dojo would never dare teach you.
    • Power signals. Discover dozens of non-verbal "Alpha Male" cues that dominate business deals, attract women, and convince aggressive goons to back down and walk away.
    • Urban lock-picking. Learn how EASY it is to pick almost any lock. These are the SAME skills taught to special forces to gain access to food, water, and shelter when the chips are down.
    • Knife throwing. This is a fun and practical skill. Learn how to throw and stick just about anything – from knives to paper clips. Astonishing instruction guaranteed to stun and amaze.
    • Deep Woods Navigation. You'll discover how to use a topo map and navigation compass to pinpoint a hide site, a cache of supplies, freshwater lakes, and rivers. Explore roadless wilderness like it was your own backyard. This is a manly skill few guys understand. Now you will.
    • Shockingly simple kill moves. This is top-level "how to kill with your bare hands" stuff that I don't let a lot of folks know about. It's brutal. It's grisly. It's lethal. But as a trusted Gold Level Hotlist Member, it's all part of the package.
    • And so much more! Seriously, so much more I can't possibly cover it all here. How to rig up back-woods snares... how to create deadly booby traps... offensive and defensive pit maneuvers and technical driving skills... how to gain "heavy hands" that can break bones... and on and on.

I've sold this SAME instruction all over the world
for over $2,500!

But it's all included with your "Gold-Level" Hotlist Membership – along with free product testing... wholesale pricing... fast order processing... and the 5-year extended warranty.

It's a pretty sweet offer.

So here's the deal:

Like I said, I'm only looking for 200 Gold-Level Members at this point. That's it.

Yes, I already get some feedback from regular hotlist guys, but adding a couple hundred hyper-qualified American Gold Members like you to provide deeper, more insightful feedback about our products is like adding...

Rocket fuel to my business!

It'll be a major boost for me to develop and improve existing products while sparking ideas for new products – the lifeblood of any company worth its salt.

Any business that's NOT doing this is making a colossal mistake.

We do it. Most businesses don't. And that's why we've thrived for over 35 years.

That's why I'm willing to offer you some seriously valuable perks in exchange for your feedback. But again...

200 Gold Members is my limit!

As you can imagine, it would be hard to stay in business by giving away free products and wholesale pricing to everyone and their brother. No business could survive that.

The message you're now reading is only shown to recent buyers – and only for a short time.

Okay, so how much? Well, not much. The price of your first month...

Is just one dime!

That's right, 10 cents!

Gives you a full 30 days to take advantage of any free product giveaways and wholesale deals while also allowing you full 24/7 access to our extensive video library.

After that, Gold-Level membership is just $9.95 a month – an incredible deal considering you'll probably make that back 10 times on your very first free product giveaway.

Plus your continued access to our vast video instruction is priceless. It's an insider's peek into the world of self-defense and survival skills that few guys have access to.

(A charge of 10¢ will apply today. $9.95 per month after 30-day test.
Cancel anytime.)

And we make it...

EASY to cancel at any time.

End it whenever you want with the simple click of a button.

Because frankly, I am not interested in Gold-Level Hotlist Members who don't want to be members.

I want – I NEED – guys who are willing to provide me with their honest opinions and insights.

That's the whole point.

So every now and then I'll send you an email asking for your feedback about a specific product or maybe your thoughts on some crazy idea I'm having. But it's not required.

You don't have to respond
or do anything at all if that's what you choose!

As long as your membership is up to date, you'll always have access to the wealth of manly how-to videos... the free products... the wholesale pricing... and all the other perks and benefits – while retaining your honored status as a Gold-Level Hotlist Member whether you provide feedback or not!

So as you see...

I'm making this as easy as possible for you!

But only for a limited time.

Once I hit 200 Gold-Level Members, I'll almost certainly end it right there then. It just doesn't make a lot of sense for me to take on more than that.

To become a Gold Level Hotlist Member, just hit the "Yes" button. Do that right away.

(A charge of 10¢ will apply today. $9.95 per month after 30-day test.
Cancel anytime.)

The benefits are huge. The price is ridiculously low. And you'll be part of an exclusive and respected group of hotlist guys who will actively help shape our product line.

This is Jimbo, signing off. Hit the "Yes" button now, and I'll see you inside the Gold-Level club.